Before we left, we acclimated, and now it's time to decompress.
It's officially been 12 days since Passion ended, and I still find myself overwhelmed and unable to comprehend what happened in the four short days at the dome. We took worship and incorporated it into every minute of those four days. It was an experience like no other.
My core was wrecked in ways I thought not imaginable.
I can't even explain the experience. I know that comes largely from the fact that God was present. It was a feeling of peace like I've never felt. It's one I've carried back home.
A favorite session was the afternoon where the speakers led us in worship through reading scripture. We read through Ephesians together. It was incredible to hear God speak. I definitely need to be meditating in the Word more frequently. Its amazing to see what you can learn when you simply take the time to sit and listen and take yourself out of the picture.
I'm still working at coming up with the courage to follow through on some of the decisions I said I would make while I was there.
I'm still finding myself consumed with the words of Christine Caine and have a renowned hunger for fighting for justice. I can't understand how slavery still is in existence. I mean this is something I have known for quite some time, but when we were watching the freedom film, it hit me like a brick.
I idolized Harriet Tubman and Corrie Ten Boom when I was young-I wanted to be someone who was leading the charge and making a difference. I'm not sure what happened to that desire. But the coals have been turned over and the fire has roared back to life.