April 01, 2011

Day One: An Introduction. 

"Protein shakes are for the weak. I just shove a bunch of meat into a blender and drink it."

I know I did an introduction already on here, and it's lame/cliche, but forgive me. I've been up since 5:30 and have T-minus 42 minutes to get this thing up on the internet so I'm not behind on the first day. (EEK!) To be honest, this post is probably a decent representation of my time management skills. If it's not a life or death task/ responsibility and something that's more fun comes up, I choose the more fun option. Example: Tonight I  chose to go to a local college with some of the teens from Ignite for an open gym night and it was a blast. The speaker was a local pastor, and he was PHENOMENAL. His brief message was about how our experiences right now are preparing us for future ministry opportunities. Also: I love that he emphasized so much on the fact that God loves everyone, no matter their past.

Now you've learned two important facts about me: I procrastinate and I'm really good at rambling. I think I've already mentioned in previous posts about my passion for Jesus and plan to spend my life working with teens in some fashion. 

I got lost finding my way to the temporary employment service that I started with today. I ended up in a seriously seedy part of town. Are you doubting its seediness? I was at that point of frustration where I believed that I was going to miss my meeting when I saw a gas station about half a block away. My relief was temporary-as I neared the gas station, I discovered that it hadn't been one for a while and had been replaced by a limo rental service/ drug dealer hangout. Let's just say I picked up my pace and headed back to my starting place to get a fresh perspective. Oh, and some guy seriously started that I'mgonnamugyouwalk, you know the one where they're walking a totally normal pace and then they notice you and they start walking super quickly. Yeah. Thankfully I wasn't mugged!

What else is there to say? Hmmmm...I start a new job on Monday. That should be fun. I also have a slight tumblr addiction, but I figure I'm not the only one. I also post on Saturdays on a blog called Stones on Our Path. My posts make more sense there. 

I honestly can't think of anything else to say, so with three minutes to spare I say farewell!

PS: I'm not allowed to post titles. Does anyone know how to fix this? 

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